Du Goût et du Sens We are committed
to the community

Pour le collectif goûters magiques

We are committed to the community

By giving priority to local suppliers, we reduce our carbon footprint and help to build a more sustainable supply chain.

Goûters Magiques promotes sustainable partnerships with local suppliers, thus contributing to economic stability and a sustainable supply chain. Our socially responsible initiatives reduce our carbon footprint, strengthening our commitment to ethical growth and a prosperous future for the community.

Ingrédients whaou!

Since 2021, Whaou! has been supporting France Parrainages so that more and more children can benefit from emotional and educational support through local sponsorship.

Whaou! became a partner of France Parrainages to support child development through sponsorship. As a partner, Whaou! organises activities with and for children by making a commitment to young people.

Logo France Parrainages et produits Whaou!

We are the Taste Collective.
Goûters Magiques, the taste of life!